Thursday, December 09, 2010

A "Suppdate" from Green Gambrels

It's been a while since the last blog post! Here's a quick "Suppdate". :-)

Dad put up a fence around his orchard to keep the deer and other critters out. The deer found the leaves on some of his apple and pear trees much to their liking! Now there's a tall fence that goes around the entire orchard.

Here's the groundskeeper...

...and his helper!

We had some other helpers, too... 

... but they spent most of their time playing instead of working.

 Working hard... 

(Notice how Dad is the one doing all the work... ;-)

The gate, before the fencing was up

The final product, in the snow

So far it's working! 

Here's our house...

And the barn and driveway.

Let it snow (more)!

You can also take a look at Julia's blog for more recent photos.

1 comment:

Mandy Momof9 said...

Wow! Your pictures are beautiful!! I sure hope this helps with the deer. Your home and land is so very wonderful.