From May 23rd to June 12th a major gospel outreach will be taking place in Richmond, Kentucky. The Good News on the Move 4 team (GNOM IV) will be finishing up about 9 months of traveling around the U.S. helping assemblies organize gospel outreaches in their local areas. The Kentucky outreach will be a larger town-wide outreach. There are generally more people involved during the outreach at the end of the year, as well, both on the giving and receiving end of the Gospel.
You can find out more information about the Richmond outreach by going to http://GoodNewsOutreach.info. Mom, Jess and I plan on going down for the second and third weeks (May 30th through June 11th). We're pretty excited! We were able to go last year's major outreach (Surge) in Waterbury, CT (which you can read about here) and it was a good time of fellowship, encouragement and witnessing (both giving people the gospel and seeing the neat things that God did throughout the week!).
Please keep this outreach in prayer!
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