Where to begin?! Our two weeks in Kentucky were very busy, but it was a great time. Julia wrote about about our first couple days already. She was hoping to post as things happened, but time and energy did not allow for that! Here's an overview of what went on during the outreach. More pictures will come in future posts!
Believers came from around the country (and other countries!) to help the saints at Bluegrass Bible Fellowship in Richmond, Kentucky. The Good News on the Move (GNOM) team was there also. The team had been on the road for about 9 months traveling to different assemblies around the US helping with more localized gospel outreaches.
Well, it was a great blessing being able to go to this outreach. Working together with other believers, especially sharing the gospel, is a great thing. I'm sure you're dying to know what happened, so I'll leave off the sentiments and begin reminiscing...
This outreach was divided into three weeks. During the first week, the materials were prepared and packets were hung on the doors of homes throughout Richmond.

Over 100 people traveled to Kentucky for Week 2 of the outreach. This week's activities included going back to the houses that had packets hung on the doors last week, and seeing if the residents had a chance to look through them and find out what they thought of them. Many times this led into an opportunity to talk with them further about the gospel, and many people wanted some of the believers from Bluegrass Bible Fellowship to come back and have a Bible study or talk with them more.

There were a series of gospel meetings held on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday night on the topic of "Peace in the Eye of the Storm". Several unbelievers came, including two young ladies who were spiritually awakened during the last few days, and recognized that God was trying to get their attention. They both were very interested and took some literature with them. They proved to be very good contacts, and are excited about starting a Bible study with some of the local believers.
There were also four kids clubs going on every day in different locations. During a couple days,

two of the clubs didn't get any kids, and some days only two or three came. I helped at one kids club for a couple days. The gospel was clearly presented in a memorable way through paintboards, Bible stories, verses, and songs, and the kids listened very well. One girl seems like she is saved, and one of the boys was asking questions about salvation and eternal security. Please pray that all the kids would remember what they heard and not just forget about it, that they would understand salvation, and that they would be able to keep in contact with the local believers. They plan on having once-a-week kids clubs as a follow-up.
About 50 people, including folks from Bluegrass Bible Chapel, remained for the third week of the
the outreach. This week we mostly followed up with contacts from the previous two weeks, going back to their houses and seeing if they really were interested in someone coming back. Some wanted more visits, others wanted a Bible study, and some were not interested in further contact. We also did a little more door to door, as we didn't finish it all last week, and we had one kids club on Thursday morning. The two afternoon kids clubs got rained out.

We really enjoyed spending time with all the people there. We played lots of volleyball, had impromptu Bible studies, sang, talked, played games, laughed a lot... it was fun. You really get to know people when you work (and play!) with them for two weeks!
Well, it's kind of hard to sum up everything that went on during those two weeks, but I think

that about covers the main events. Christ was proclaimed, people were reached, lessons were learned, friendships were made, and fellowship was enjoyed. All in all, a great and profitable time. Please remember to keep the saints at Bluegrass Bible Fellowship and the others still working with them in your prayers, as well as the people they are still reaching with the gospel. It's exciting to see how the Lord has been working in Richmond!
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